Other Projects


New SSL vulnerabilities requiring changes to the SSL configuration of a webserver are found regularly. If you have only one website monitoring it for problems is easy. But if you have more than one site this can become quite a chore. SIGMA keeps an eye on your sites and will notify you if something requires your attention.

Link: https://sigma.silverday.de

Silverday Homepage

SilverDay Homepage

Link: https://www.silverday.de

The World Of Begabungs

The World of Begabungs is a three dimensional world, where teens can let their creativity flow in a protected environment. They can create everything they can imagine using easy to use tools to build, give it a realistic look using textures, and finally bring it to live using an easy to learn scripting language. This can either be done alone or as part of a group.

Link: https://begabungs.world

World Of Begabungs


ToURL@ is a concept study of how I think a URL shortener should work. It gives visitors full control of the way they are redirected.

Link: https://tourl.at

SilverDay Blog

Sometimes when I feel the urge to ramble about one topic or the other I write an article here in my blog.

Link: https://blog.silverday.de

SilverDay Blog
Digital Photography

Digital Photography

When I have time, I take pictures with my phone or digital camera and then optimize them on either my computer or my ipad. On the following sites I have posted some of the reults.

Link: Viewbug - https://www.viewbug.com/member/silverday
Link: EyeEm - https://www.eyeem.com/u/silverday